What are NormaTec Compression Sleeves?

NormaTec Recovery Systems are dynamic compression devices designed specifically to enhance blood flow, speed up recovery and rehabilitation. Our NormaTec PULSE Recovery systems include attachments which go on the legs, arms or hips.

NormaTec Recovery

  • How do they help with muscle recovery?

NormaTec Compression use compressed air to massage your limbs, mobilize fluid, and speed recovery with a pulse massage pattern. The connected attachments will mold to your exact body shape. Each session will begin by compressing your feet, hands, or upper quad (depending on the attachment you are using). Similar to the kneading and stroking done during a massage, each segment of the attachment will first compress in a pulsing manner and then release. This will repeat for each segment of the attachment as the compression pattern works its way up your limb.

  • What can I expect out of a stretching session?

After a session, you will feel extremely relaxed and comfortable. You may also feel a little sore days after. Soreness is dependent on multiple factors and is different from person to person. You can feel muscle soreness and joint stiffness up to 24-72 hours after session. The cause of the soreness is because we are exposing you to new range of motions that your body is not conditioned to. After the soreness dissipates, you will feel significant improvement in your range of motion as well as your overall physical well-being. We recommend scheduling sessions on your off day of training or when you are done with your strenuous activities for the day to allow for optimal rehabilitation time.

  • Does it feel good?

Of course it feels good! Guaranteed you will have fresher legs, hips, and/or arms after your session. You can ask any of the world’s elite athletes, coaches and trainers — because chances are, they are using NormaTec compression too.